
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Where I Am Now

A few months ago I stepped away from football blogging. It took me too long to marshal my facts and thoughts, and my teaching job is consuming (I'm having a good year so far). But more importantly, I just felt that there were better minds on the case within the Seahawks blogosphere. I don't want to be a pretender, like the Seahawks' 2007 defense. I don't want to be regarded as more knowledgeable than I am.

I've now started another blog, this one centered around my pursuit of Jesus Christ. He and the faith built around him are a much more natural fit for my mind and style. It's a much simpler and more refreshing arena, really an emotional antipole to 17 Power, girded with messages I really believe Christian millennials should hear.

That blog is now up and out of shakedown mode. If you're into this sort of thing, or you're curious as to who Jesus really is and what he represents, my thoughts can now be found here:

I hope this new effort interests and encourages you. It'd be enjoyable to see you over there once in a while.

In the meantime, my sincerest thanks for all your interest and discussion over the years. I'll remain present on Twitter at @17power.

Go Hawks!